Saturday, June 11, 2011

This is so good I have to post it...enjoy...

Saqib Javed 2:02am Jun 11
Armor of God
Armor of God

I AM a warrior for the Father God. Because of the authority He placed within me through Jesus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. No demon in Hell can stand, and no attack shall come nigh my dwelling because in the Name of Jesus demons must flee. I pursue the call, not on my ability, but on the ability of the one who lives inside of me! I AM victorious! I AM more than a conqueror! I shall triumph mightily! Thank you Jesus!
My sword is the Word of God, and the only weapon I use to come against the attacks of the enemy. The Word is power and sets the captive free! My stance is secure because my foundation I stand on is the Word of God, and God backs up every Word within it. Call on the Lord and He will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know not of. THe battle isnt ours..... its the Lords. STAND!
My helmet is the helmet of salvation and the only helmet able to protect me from turning from the truth. Within it lies great wisdom that surpasses natural mans thinking. Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit causes me to know what decision to make as it arises. With wisdom..... is success..... the Word is the only thing that causes truth to stand out against any lies the devil tries to bring our way! Get Wisdom! Its all in the Word of GOD!
I have the shield of faith. Faith that my God IS who He says He IS. That my God can DO, what He says He can DO. That my God said He would never leave me nor forsake me! He is a GOd of more than enough! A God that cannot lie! A God that can heal every disease! A God that can and will deliver us, regardless the battle! I CHOOSE to trust my God with all my heart and not lean to my own understanding! I have FAITH in a GOD who sees the best in us! I have FAITH that He can move and mountain! My God is a GOD OF MORE THAN ENOUGH!
I have on my breastplate of Righteousness! I have right standing with God because I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. He has cleansed me of ALL unrighteousness. No matter what I have done in my past, He is faithful and Just to forgive me of ALL my sins and cleanse me from ALL unrighteousness. I can stand before the Father with a clear conscience because the blood of Jesus paid the price for me! The blood cleansed me from ALL sin. Jesus took my place, and that was good enough for me!
My feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I have peace beyond all understanding because I KNOW my steps are ordered of God. I dont have to leave by my senses of what I feel, see, or hear. All those are cancelled out by the word telling me that all things work together for good, to those that love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose. PEACE in the midst of every situation my eyes remain on Jesus and His Word, therefore no storms is seen but only the end result that may God shall surely deliver me, peace beyond all understanding cause trust is in my Lord. .
STAND! YOU have the same authority within you, when you recognize what the Word says, when you see yourself the way God sees you, when you put off all those weights of the world that so easily beset you. Iron sharpens Iron, line yourself up with friends who are going to cause you to rise higher, and seek the Word deeper, and fall in love with Jesus all over again! Reexamine your life today! Pursue God with all that is within you! Why settle for less than the BEST that God has in store for YOU!
God Bless You All
Praise Jesus \0/\0/\0/\0/

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